MCBB/you are making me really happy and i am yours.

From Create Your Own Story

Have never felt like this have heard it described before. You know,in your heart that you are hers. She owns you. You are confident and comfortable enough with her that you know only happy things will happen.

You don't have to be brave with her.

You don't have to be responsible.

you can relax.. She is protecting you now.

She is making decisions for you.

You can't stop smiling and giggling. Your body begins to relax… your legs spread a little feel the little inside you is now cares about being an cares about your house..your is all being protected.

"Ummm..." your voice now small and soft, "What... What do I call you?"

She smiles… "I dont know...what would you like to call me my doll?”

You giggle.. like it. You feel silly… but this it.. “I dont know…” you feel silly..bubbly… its pure joy.

What are you going to call her…?

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