Live a night in luxury?

From Create Your Own Story

Its never been in your budget to spend cash freely but given the cash that you suddenly came into you want to experience what its like to live like someone of wealth. Checking into the room under a fake name with a sleep Nya in your arms you soon find yourself in an up scale room, while its not a penthouse it certainly makes the motel across the street look like the slums.

Laying a snoring Nya on a bed you stride out onto the balcony. Taking out your pack of cigarettes you light one up and look a long slow drag of the tobacco. It's been to long since you had one and don't much feel like smoking in front of Nya, you know their bad but you love them and don't much like the idea of Nya smoking. Taking a seat you gaze over the nearby city, being on one of the upper floors you have a great view of the surrounding lands between the forest below.

A cool breeze swipes you across the face as you sit there for some time, once one cigarette goes out you light up another. During the drive your thoughts were spent on amusing Nya, talking to her even though she couldn't talk back she seemed to enjoy the one sided conversation but now that you're alone you find your thoughts wondering of who is following you, why they want Nya so much and where you will go once you reach California. It's a big world but you can only go so far before the limited cash you have runs out, and they way you have been spending it won't last forever.

"I could keep heading south. Make my way to Texas, good work there, far away and I can lay low for some time before I would need to move again... but then what? Continue doing this till I die? The open road is nice, takes your worries away leaving them far behind but there has to be something more than running. I can't fight them, they probably have weapons, contacts, resources that I don't have." You sigh deeply at that thought as you take a another drag.

"Maybe... if i could learn more about Nya I would be able to figure out who is coming after me- us." You ponder the thought over some time before the sliding of the glass door pulls you back to reality.

"Nya...." The sleepy Nya comes walks out onto the porch. Tossing the brunt end of the cigarette into the ash try you turn to face her in the chair.

"Sorry, I was thinking... about stuff." You sigh and turn your eyes towards the shinning stars above.

"Nya?" She responses walking over to you and sitting in your lap, sliding backwards she cuddles into you to escape the cold air night.

"Have you- have you ever seen the stars before?" You know it sounds like a dumb question to ask but knowning so little of her past you wonder.


"No huh... they are beautiful aren't they?"


"Each one is a sun, just like that big bright ball that sits in the sky during the day but so far away its hard to imagine. Some people say that there are other world out there around those stars, maybe like Earth, maybe not.... I dunno, just something I think of. What do you think?"


"Hehe, I agree." You place you hand on her head as you gently rub her soft hair making her purr slightly, you expected the noise but it still make you chuckle.

"We have a long way to go... I don't know where we are going... I'm just glad... I happy that your with me." You know its sappy, corny but you say what you feel regardless of what people would think, a good reason why you don't have any friends.

Turning around in your lap Nya turns to face you, eyes locking with her's you feel you heart stop as embraces you in a hug. Stunned for a moment you wrap your arms around her there on the balcony. You had forgotten how it feels like to have a real human connection even if she's not fully human she's treated you more like a person than anyone other than your parents had.

Your not quite sure just how long you held her but Nya never let go, her senses were deeper than a humans as if she could feel every small emotion that swelled inside you and wouldn't let go till you did. Even with the warmth of two bodies hugging each other the cold drives you back into the room but try as you might Nya doesn't let go of you so carrying inside like a monkey around your chest you find it easy enough to pick up her.

"I thought you were a cat, not a monkey." You joke giving her a small poke in the ribs making her giggle.

Falling down onto the bed with a plop Nya collapses onto your chest with a soft muffle. It might be a little hard to sleep with someone laying on your chest but you think you'll manage. Heading falling against your shoulder Nya soon passes out leaving you awake for a little longer, normally with a young girl pressed against you the urge to fuck the hell out of her would drive you insane but now... you just feel happy even if your woes are just waiting behind a closed door.

Light seeping through the shutters stirs you from your sleep to find that Nya is not only on your chest but wrapped around you like a snake coiling around its victim. You don't want to wake her, yet the urge to take a long piss is more than enough to wake the drooling princess from her rest. Rising slowly Nya nods from her sleep but simply rolls off and onto the bed, going back into another slumber you head to the bathroom to wash up and take a leak.

By the time you come out Nya is up and awake watching the the high def T.v, once again its the kids show from before; how she came across it your not sure but she did.

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