Lift Wendy's dress and enter her anus

From Create Your Own Story

You unzip your pants and lift Wendy's dress. She ignores you.

Then you position your dickhead against the puckered rosebud of her anus.

"What? Stop that!" she tries to wheeze under her breath, flailing to find and pull up her panties again.

"Quiet!" one of the Lost Boys whispers. "She'll hear you."

Meanwhile, you take hold of her naked buttocks to keep her in position. Then you push your meat into her, and you barely make it an inch and a half before she can pull up her panties to snag against your cock.

"Take it out so I can pull up my panties properly!" she says, more forcefully this time.

"Shush!" Peter Pan says. Everybody freezes - Tiger Lily is apparently looking this way.

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