Lady Van Helsing/Decide to let the experiment continue

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that you must make certain that there is a threat before you act. Besides, the scare should they succeed will be sure to teach the doctors a lesson about dabbling in the occult, and you are more than equipped to handle any un-dead that may arise.

The building you enter is really more of a one room shack, but that one room is filled with strange wires and coils. You even think you see a small steam engine off to the side. The doctors busy themselves with the preparations, stoking the fire and throwing switches, while you gaze around the room, bored. Your eyes are drawn to a finely prepared mummy, obviously the test subject, lying beneath a carved red crystal connected to all the electrical apparatus. Dr Dexter notices your gaze.

"Beautiful specimen, isn't it? From Eleventh Theban dynasty, circa 2,000 BC. The heiroglyphs on the tomb she was recovered from identify her as Tera, a priestess of the cult of Nephthys and member of the royal family."

You nod politely, without paying too much attention. The equipment begins to spark and crackle, and a glow can be seen beginning to form in the heart of the jewel. You look again at the mummy on the table. Even though she is nearly four thousand years old, you can still see that her form, tightly wrapped in silk, retains a good deal of beauty, with the gentle swell of her bosom leading down to a nicely curved waistline, from which well-proportioned hips follow.

"The sun is nearly in position!" Dr Dexter announces with excitement. "Soon, we shall see what no man has seen in almost four thousand years!"

As the sun moves into position above the hole carved in the roof, first the mummy, and then the entire room begin to be bathed in an unearthly blue-green light. A scraping, squealing sound can be heard, seemingly coming from the crystal suspended above the bed. There is a flash of light, brighter than the sun, brighter than anything you have ever seen, that seems to pass through the air between the crystal and the mummy and then all is, for one moment, dark and quiet.

As your vision recovers from the glare, you first look at the table. The mummy's wrappings remain on the table, still outlining the shape of the beautiful body that was lying within. They soon collapse, leaving nothing but an empty wrapping. There is no trace left of the corpse.

Dr Dexter is the first to fully recover. He walks over to the table and lifts up the wrappings, examining them. "There must have been some miscalculation," he says without emotion, his face entirely blank. "The electrical charge must have ignited the naptha used to preserve the corpse, incinerating it in an instant while leaving the wrapping intact."

Dr Frinks looks like he's ready to cry. "But the equipment, the cost. I'm ruined. All the money I invested in this project, taken from my expense account at the University. I'm more than ruined. They'll put me away! I might even be hanged for larceny!" He starts to sob uncontrollably, and sinks to the floor, broken.

"I'm sure its not as bad as all that," Dr Dexter says. "Lets all head back to the hotel and take a nice rest. Maybe a little nap will clear our heads, wont it Doctor?" He picks up Dr Frinks by the shoulder and starts to lead him outside to the waiting carriage.

You feel pretty tired yourself, and disappointed to have come all the way out here for nothing. Maybe some sleep would do you good as well.


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