
From Create Your Own Story

These are races that I've made for Kinkfinity.



The Draceas are the first race that isn't just a modification of a standard fantasy race. They're inspired somewhat by harpies and dragons, but are neither.


Sexes: Female, Strange Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Pale colors

Eye Colors: Red, Purple, Blue, Indigo

Hair Colors: White, Light Grey, Pink, Orange

Scale Colors: Their hair colors, but either slightly lighter or slightly darker.

Height Range: Adult height ranges from 8'7" to 10'2", for the most part.

Penis Types: Monster (Internally Sheathed, 100%)

Gestation Period: 10.5 months

Pregnancy Details: Dracea can still fly while pregnant, even in late stages, although it can reduce flight speed.

Special Notes: From the get-go, it's obvious that the Draceas are a bit different. Yes, they have scales. These only cover parts of their bodies - their sides, their elbows, their shoulders, and their knees and lower legs. And yes, they tower over the tallest omnibi at their shortest. And they have wings. You also are probably wondering what "strange hermaphrodite" means. Well, the standard ones have a penis and balls on the outside, right above the vagina. Dracea hermaphrodites, instead, appear to have two vaginas; the upper, larger one is a sheath to a very large penis with short, dull spikes around it in rings. These monster cocks are designed for pleasure. They are quite long, with the shortest ones being a foot in length, and the longest exceeding two feet, with girth to match. The Draceas tend to live in mountains and don't mingle with other races, but are more than willing to breed if someone visits them. There are occasional free spirits who come off the mountains, of course. Their internally-sheathed cocks as well as their small breasts are to make flying more efficient; because of this, they also lay eggs. Strange, ain't it?


Basically a bunch of tentacles and eggs, but also a girl.


Sex: ???

Skin Colors: Same as humans

Eye Colors: Hazel, Purple, Pink

Hair Colors: Black, Brown, Auburn, Blond

Height Range: 4'5" to 5'4", for the most part

Gestation Period: 1 week

Pregnancy Details: Mimics cannot get pregnant, but instead lay eggs in their victims.

Special Notes: Entirely unrelated to the chest monsters, Mimics are tentacle monsters. Unlike most tentacle monsters, Mimics aren't, say, walking masses of tentacle. Instead, their tentacles are hidden inside their body - externally, they resemble a slightly smaller human. Their tentacles are, specifically, in a special organ behind their cervix, in place of a uterus. This special organ contains a densely-packed nest of tentacles, all of which are connected to another organ which contains their eggs. The most interesting part about Mimics, is, of course, their reproduction. They go to places where many futanari may be and act vulnerable, by either pretending to be unconscious, very drunk, unaware, or otherwise. Then, on the off chance someone rapes them, their vaginas, anuses, and bladders can absorb DNA and fertilize their eggs, which they then proceed to implant in the unsuspecting futa. These eggs develop over the course of a week, at which point no matter what the host is doing, the eggs will detach from the walls of their bladder, womb, and intestines and be laid. Nobody is really sure of what happens afterwards, but the offspring tend to track down their former host once fully matured, which seems to take under two months. Offspring have a 50/50 chance of being either another Mimic, or whatever the other parent was.

Mimics continually create eggs and generate little waste water, and typically can go over a week without needing to pee. Mimics try to oviposit once every two to three weeks. If a Mimic goes over five weeks without ovipositing, they will begin to look plump and will become more physically sensitive. There are many ways of preventing a Mimic from depositing her eggs, with the most popular being a special cervix seal.


Big sexy spider people. They have four arms and four spiderlike legs attached to an arachnid abdomen. They are generally found in forests and jungles. Don’t get caught in their webs!


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Most pale colors, tan-grey

Eye Colors: Red, Orange, Pink

Hair Colors: Silver, Opal, Black

Height Range: Adult height ranges from 7'2" to 8'5", for the most part

Penis Types: Prehensile Smooth Tentacle (100%, sheathed)

Penis Size Range: 22" to 40"

Cum Output Range: 1200 mL to 7800 mL

Racial Alcohol Tolerance: Low

Gestation Period: 11 months

Pregnancy Details: Pregnancies are mostly invisible on their bodies except during the last stages. They give birth to between 30 and 60 live children at once.

Special Notes: Dranarch’s vaginas are sideways in comparison to other races. They also have a large spinneret which they use to spin their large webs. These webs, using special chemicals, only ensnare those with appropriate sexual equipment. Webs spun by females will only catch those with penises, while webs spun by true hermaphrodites will only catch those with vaginas, with priority to people with only vaginas. Once properly ensnared, the victim is partially sedated through a kiss - their saliva is mixed with a weak sedative and a strong aphrodisiac. After their victim is sedated, they begin mating. The penises of True Hermaphrodites can be fully erect yet still partially sheathed, and can bend and twist in case of an awkward position. The inside of the uterus of females is textured. They have one ovary, connected to their uterus by a comparatively wide fallopian tube directly opposite the cervix. Stimulation of their ovary induces further ovulation, and is generally done only to establish dominance, as carrying more than 60 spiderlings can become very burdensome.

Their name originates from the distant past, where they were often the queens of Elven tribes, which happened due to their significant physical advantages. Also of note is that their saliva's aphrodisiac does not affect themselves, and is not addictive.


Water-filled cactus girls with a navel focus.


Sexes: Female, True Hermaphrodite

Skin Colors: Various grassy greens

Eye Colors: Yellow, Gold, Rose

Hair Colors: Various blue-greens

Height Range: Adult height ranges from 4’8” to 6’2”, for the most part

Penis Types: Ridged human (100%)

Penis Size Range: 6” to 14”

Cum Output Range: 150 mL to 950 mL

Racial Alcohol Tolerance: High

Gestation Period: 9 weeks

Pregnancy Details: Saguinas give birth to numerous seed pods that mature into adults over the course of three months.

Special Notes: Saguinas have a special organ instead of a bladder that contains sugar water, which evolved as a necessity for surviving in the desert. Their navels can be opened to share this water, and can also be penetrated, if you’re pervy enough. If water is plentiful, as is often when not in a desert, these organs become very full, which gives the illusion of the Saguina being anywhere from plump to fat, but only in the belly region. If full for sufficiently long, their hips and legs will widen and their ass will fatten. Saguinas generally partially empty their organ before their belly would become much too large, but some enjoy being so full.

Their urethras are purely vestigial, but have developed into a location of intense pleasure. Their fluids are all sweet.


Drupines are a grouping of closely-related fruit girls in the “drupe” classification. They are currently known to come in Mango, Nectarine, Cherry, and Plum.


Sexes: Female and True Hermaphrodite (all)

Skin Colors:

  • Mango: Yellow, Orange, Red, and Green
  • Nectarine: Off-white or Orange
  • Cherry: Red, Red-violet, Pale Pink
  • Plum: Purple, Red-violet, Blue-violet

Eye Colors: Lime-green, Rose, Pale Purple (all)

Hair Colors: Darker or lighter versions of skin color (all)

Height Range:

  • Mango: 5’6” to 6’5”
  • Nectarine: 5’0” to 5’11”
  • Cherry: 4’6” to 5’4”
  • Plum: 5’1” to 6’1”

Penis Types: Modified Humanoid (100%)

Penis Size Range:

  • Mango: 9’ to 15’
  • Nectarine: 7.5’ to 13’
  • Cherry: 5’ to 22’
  • Plum: 8’ to 14’

Cum Output Range:

  • Mango: 300 mL to 1900 mL
  • Nectarine: 200 mL to 1450 mL
  • Cherry: 75 mL to 4000 mL
  • Plum: 250 mL to 1750 mL

Racial Alcohol Tolerance: High (Mango, Nectarine, Plum), Low (Cherry)

Gestation Period: Approximately 8.5 months, but with high variance between individuals

Pregnancy Details: Cherries usually have twins, conjoined with a branch-like connector at the head. Most non-twin Cherry births are singlets, but triplets and above are much more common than in other races. Other Drupines are normal in this regard.

Special Notes:

Overall: The cum of True Hermaphrodite Drupines is a mixture of pits, whose size varies on the type, and fruit juice. Their testicles do not have a limit to the amount of pits they can contain and produce fruit juice in the necessary volumes prior to ejaculation. Additionally, their testicles, when swelled, are much more sensitive than normal. They also have highly elastic urethras to allow safe passage of the smooth pits.

Drupine pits are analogous to ovum, and the ovaries instead release an equivalent of sperm. However, these gametes are still fundamentally what other races have in those same areas, permitting breeding between Drupines and other races.

Finally, Drupines lactate fortified fruit juice of what kind of fruit they resemble.

Mangos: Mango Drupines, are, as a general rule, fairly plump, mostly in the midriff. While the specific reason why they naturally build up fat and put it in one area is unknown, but it is known that Mango Drupines have slower metabolisms than many races but have large appetites. Their midriffs are a minor erogenous zone, being more sensitive than it is in most other races.

Nectarines: Nectarine Drupines are fairly bottom-heavy, having wide hips and large asses, but smaller breasts. Besides this, there’s little to say about them.

Cherries: Cherry Drupines have a lithe figure, but what’s most notable about them is that most are conjoined; not in the traditional sense, but in the sense that they have a woody stalk connecting their heads. 90% of Cherries are born as twins, with a little under 10% born as singles; the race also has a significant incidence of triplets and above. Conjoined Cherries are also very likely to be the same sex, with this likelihood calculated at about 95% for twins. Note that despite their height and figure, Cherries do, indeed, mature to adulthood. Cherries are highly energetic.

Plums: Plum Drupines have thin waists and small asses, but massive breasts and large nipples. They are highly likely to begin lactation prior to pregnancy, and the sheer volume some can produce means “plum juice” in stores is likely to be their breast “milk”. Plums are by far the least shy about nudity overall, for reasons unknown.

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