Keep with elvish traditions

From Create Your Own Story

"... Okay. When will we have our wedding?" you ask.

"A month from today."

You dip your head. "A whole month?"

Aknamar takes your chin and lifts your gaze to meet his. "It will be hard for me as well. But you're strong, I know you'll do just fine."

You're honestly more worried about him, than yourself. But agree to it all the same. You figure it'll make your first night as husband and wife all the more special. As you say your goodbyes, you are led to your new room by servants. It's fancy, but not as special as Aknamar's room, and you instantly miss it.

"Will that be all, my Lady?" the servant girl asks.

Health Female orc, named Ronama, engaged to Aknamar king of the elves Equipment:

fancy gown, jewelry, makeup, engagement ring

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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