Katie is frozen by her fear and arousal and says nothing as the man approaches her

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Embarrassed, Nervous, Slightly Horny Apparel and Items: Buck Naked, Shaved, Ponytails
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Use Bathroom Arousal Causing Issues
Level of Humiliation Light-Headed

"...but why don't you explain what it is you're doing here?" The man finished, standing in front of her with his arms crossed.

Katie gazed upwards. He towered over her. For a moment she really did feel like a girl again. She glanced down at his dick anxiously. Katie didn't have much frame of reference as to how big they 'should' be but his certainly seemed to be a healthy size.

"Uhh... I... I... I, umm..." she stammered.

"I mean these pigtails are cute," he said, batting one with his hand. "But I don't know who you're trying to fool."

Katie's knees began to shake. She couldn't be sent back out of the change room or she'd have to remain naked all day! She didn't know what to do. What should she say? What was he expecting her to say?

Katie lies convincingly enough for the man to take pity on her

Katie tells the truth and the man takes advantage of her predicament

Katie turns around and runs back out of the locker room

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