Katie is forced to streak in the neighbourhood

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Nervous, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: None
Day, Time Saturday, Evening
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

'You know what? Why should we be the only ones to enjoy her nudity? Get her out on the street!' Said Samantha.

'What?' Reacted Katie surprised.

'Yeah, let's do that.' Said the other teens, and dragged Katie by her arms and legs.

Katie tried to struggle, but to no avail. She was standing outside in the nude.

'Okay, you slut, this is what going to happen. You are going to run around the block, and if you do, you'll get your clothes back. Understood?' Said Samantha.

'Y-yeah.' Said Kathy ashamed.

Katie started running, while the teens we're recording her. Luckily, it was night, so she thought no one would see her. However, she was wrong. People we're letting their dogs out or were happening to look out of their windows to see what the noise was all about. When she finally was back at the front door, she saw it was locked.

'Let me in.' Yelled Katie.

'Did you really think we would let you in? Have a nice night.' Said Samantha.

What do you do?

Run back home

Break in through a window

Katie convinces Samantha to let her back in

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