Katie is Forced to Play With The Other Kids Naked

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Scared, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Buck Naked
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Bathroom Fine
Level of Humiliation Thoroughly Humiliated

As Katie stepped out of her aunt's convertible after the long ride to the daycare, it hit her again how exposed she was. She was across the city and wearing nothing!

"Excuse me, but what she is doing?" Katie heard a woman say.

Looking up she saw a middle-aged woman with a little boy standing next to her.

"She's just my niece, she needs to be disciplined on what to properly wear." Jill swooped into respond before Katie could even open her mouth.

"Mhm, why is she naked?" the woman continued.

"She refused to wear clothes, but I'm going to discipline her properly here!" Jill responded "Let's go Katie!"

Katie wanted to say 'Don't move me, I'm naked!' but her aunt grabbed an arm and yanked her along. She realized as she was being pulled along that the woman was able to see her naked body. Katie tried to cover as much as she could with her free arm, at first covering her perky breasts since her pubic hair covered her vagina. When they had moved past the woman, Katie reached her hand behind her back to cover her large butt, however the burn of the spanking was still making her cheeks too tender. Before Katie looked back forward, she saw the woman's face turn to one of disgust as she saw Katie's red ass.

Unfortunately that wasn't the worst part, despite how utterly humiliated Katie was feeling at this point. When her aunt opened the doors to the daycare, she gave Katie another spank on the ass to move her along. She yelled again but she immediately regretted it as she saw dozens of kids and their parents staring at her inside. Katie covered herself as best as she could, one hand jammed between her legs to cover her pubic hair while the other arm was draped over her perky breasts and pink nipples. A number of kids had a strange expression while some laughed. For the most part, the parents remained silent but staring while others suppressed their laughs and took pictures of the naked girl.

"Excuse me one second everyone, my niece will be joining us." Jill said, walking inside behind Katie.

Jill turned away from the crowd and said to Katie "Just stand here."

Katie tried to ignore the crowd, she just wanted to get away from them as fast as possible. Standing in the spot her aunt told her to stand, she was in front of the crowd as her aunt spoke to them all. Seeing that the crowd was mostly looking at her, she struggled to hide herself behind her aunt's body. Katie glanced over her aunt's shoulder and saw the crowd; the ones not taking video and pictures were whispering to each other. More kids were laughing now, their childish giggles burning the humiliation into her memory.

"Please! Just let me just leave!" she whispered loudly to her aunt.

"SHH!" Jill silenced her.

Katie realized that her aunt was making the crowd look her way! She wanted Katie to stand in front of the whole crowd! But Katie wasn't sure if she could stand around naked for much longer. Maybe she could make a break through the door about fifteen feet behind her.

Thinking Quickly, Katie...

Katie Makes a Run For It

Katie Stays Naked In Front of the Crowd

Katie Suddenly Starts to Feel Horny...

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