Katie's Camping Trip - They keep walking

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Surprised and Naked Apparel and Items: Baby Oil
Day, Time Evening
Need to Bathroom Getting worse
Level of Humiliation Extremely embarrassed

Katie glared at him and stuck her tongue out at him, but continued walking. Greg seemed to still be pretty angry, but he followed in quiet annoyance. Cody was just glad that they were moving on. Katie found herself blushing fiercely as the light around them dimmed. Not only was her ass exposed to two boys for literally hours, but she was also completely lost on her family's big camping trip. The only positive side of things was that the boys had only seen glimpses her naked body back when her mom covered her in baby oil, which still clung to her like a second skin. Their situation only deteriorated more as time wore on, until there was barely any light to see by at all. She started to get really cold without any clothing on. Goosebumps covered her body and her nipples started getting pretty hard against her arm. Eventually she had to admit it, they couldn't keep going on blind. Katie stopped and turned around, shivering in the cool night air.

"Look, I don't think we can keep going blind, we need a plan." Katie told them with chattering teeth.

"A plan? How about you think about next time you lead strangers you actually remember where you are going - and to wear clothes so you don't distract us with your fat ass!" Greg angrily replied.

"I didn't choose to be naked out here!" Katie shot back.

"Yeah sure! You wore clothes when you came to the camp didn't you? Where did they go? Why didn't you bring a bikini along?" Greg asked her.

"I did have clothes! They were back where my mom and sister were!" she replied matter-of-factly.

"Then why didn't you put them on before coming out here!?" Greg demanded to know.

Katie found herself asking the same question then.

"Huh, that's what I thought!" Greg declared triumphantly.

"Look guys, we need to figure out what we are going to do. I don't know the way back either. Greg?" Cody spoke up.

"I don't either, looks like we'll just have to sleep here and keeping going later." Greg pointed out.

"Fine." Cody answered.

"Hey I can't sleep out here! I'm naked! I'll freeze and I'll have bugs all over me!" Katie argued, nearly forgetting to keep herself covered from the boys.

"We can't do anything about bugs, but there is.... ahem.... a way to deal with the uh, warmth problem." Cody answered, glancing around the nearby trees awkwardly.

Katie's eyes widened.

"You can't be serious! I'm not sleeping naked between you guys! That's gross!"

"You don't really have a choice unless you plan on wandering around here all night!" Greg grinned, eager enough that he laid down on the ground where there weren't many plants.

Cody sat down a couple feet away, leaving a space large enough for her to squeeze in between them. Katie shook her head, but inside she knew that she would just have to do it. She would freeze to death otherwise. Katie moved forward and awkwardly swung her butt around towards the boys. She then uncomfortable lowered herself to the dirty ground and slid her butt into position between them. Katie leaned back her head, keeping her arms over her intimate parts.

"You'll have to turn sideways so we can stay compact, otherwise us lying next to each other won't do anything." Cody pointed out, lying down himself.

Greg decided for her when he rolled over to face her. Katie didn't want to expose her ass to him, but it was better than putting her face, boobs, and vagina near him. He had seen her ass all day, so she wasn't losing anything more than she had already lost. Turning to face Cody, the boy shyly turned away, giving her his back. Greg pushed himself up against her back, his bulge ramming into her ass cheeks. Katie immediately blushed and shifted away from him, into the back of Cody where her breasts squished against his sweater. Greg of course followed her until she was sufficiently sandwiched between them. Katie found herself in a highly claustrophobic situation, but at least she was warm. The only downside once they were settled was that she felt her bladder starting to ache. She didn't want to disturb the boys and more importantly she didn't want to go as far as showing them her peeing. Katie hoped she would be able to hold it until they found the campsite and a bathroom.

Katie's Camping Trip - Greg starts groping Katie, making it hard for her to hold her bladder

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie has to go the bathroom so badly that she has to go in front of the boys (for protection of course)

Katie's Camping Trip - The boys and Katie are discovered by something or someone

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