Just get it over with as soon as possible.

From Create Your Own Story

Ellie took of her shoes and simultaneously pulled down her pants and panties down to the floor. Joel just stood chocked at the speed Ellie was progressing. She steped out of her pile of jeans, Joel stood gloating at the sight of her now revealed pussy.

"Hey!" she said covering up, "rembember only in my ass." Turrning around to get Joel to look at her now exposed little bum. "Yeah, sure." he said just staring down at her butt. "Just get on the sofa facing that way". Joel pointed straight across the room. Ellie possitioned herself on the coutch resting her arms and head at the sofas back, while her back was pointing out straight at Joel in doggysyle.

Joel took position right behind her and unziped his pants. Ellie turned her head trying to get a glipse of whats to come, but was unavailable see anything. Joel proceeded to grab her hips linning up his log with her cute little rosebud, resting the head at the enterance. Ellie turned her head back around looking straight forward thinking "Damn what have I brought myself into?"

Just then Joel started to apply presure, wiggling his dick around slightly, trying to get inside her. Ellie instinctively clenched her ring muscle to stop the foreign object from getting inside. Joel just increased the force to match, but just as Ellie was sertain he would break throu, he stopped and pulled back. Looking back she saw Joel looking at her rather irritated.

Should Ellie say something to try to make Joel change his approach or should she just stay silent doing what she can to help Joel get inside?


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