
From Create Your Own Story

You decide moving on the inside is safer. Climbing will come, but for now, you need to be able to access everywhere, and gauge what things will look like. You move to a window and try to push - there is no luck there. You move to the next and see it is slightly open. You smell something on the other side - glue.

"So, are people here?" Wes asked. He smelled it as well. "Smells like stuff for wallpaper."

"You know that?" You say and prop the window open more.

"What's the inside look?" He asks, and tries to poke his head in with you. It is dark, but there are clearly signs of construction and remodeling.

"Looks like people were here." You say.

"Specifically to fix the place up. Should we still go in?"

"What, are they working in the middle of the night?"

"Hey. I don't see that many boats go in and out of here. They could sleep here."

"Then let's be quiet." You say with a smirk. You hop inside the window and gesture for Wes to do the same. Inside, you see there are two doors to exit. You also see buckets. One ahead of you is labeled "water" and is rather sizeable. You were at first unsure if one was full, but your errant leg told you at least one was. You knock it over and fall down with the clatter. Wes tries to hold you up, but falls as well.

You both hit the floor. "Shit." You say.

"Augh. What is this?" Wes rips his hand off the ground and looks at his palm. "Glue. It was glue."

"What? Why?" You try and move, and realize that your hands are clear, but you have successfully sat down on the glue. You try and move, but only feel your leggings rip more underneath you. You look to Wes, whose swimming trunks are in a similar situation. He looks to you a little helplessly.

"It isn't the worst situation - look! If we re-wet this real quickly, we can escape."

You look to the bucket nearby. You try and reach, though it is too far. "I can't."

Wes ponders a moment. "Why not try and look around the side where the handle connects? You can use rope maybe."

You try to reach for the bag, but that, too, is too far. "Any other ideas, Indiana Jones?"

Wes throws up his hands. "Look! M... Well. Yes." He points to you. Namely, your chest. You look down and see the hint of the area your open hoodie reveals your bra.

"What? No!"

He shrugs. "Either you use your bra to get the water - I won't look - or we have to leave. May I remind you if someone is here they definitely heard the clatter you made. If we just up and leave, we are leaving behind, well, my only clothes."

You look at his shorts and suddenly feel a little blush. You feel your bra straps underneath the hoodie in thought. Do you save Wes' only clothes by taking off your bra? Or do you just force him to be naked, and lose your leggings by ripping yourselves out.

Wearing wet Black hoodie with zipper broken up front down to navel, boots, wet ripped black leggings stuck to ground, wet bikini-style black bra and panties
Mood A little ashamed
Inventory (out of reach) knife, bag of 10 cans of paint, rope, pepperspray
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