Inquire more about Iosif Kulinsky

From Create Your Own Story

You take a seat opposite Tanya. "So, who's this guy you're looking for? Whatever weird name that was?"

Tanya laughs. "Iosif Kulinsky?"

You nod. "Yeah, the guy with the fucked-up unpronounceable name. Excuse my language."

Tanya smiles. "Believe me, I've heard worse. Anyway, Iosif Kulinsky is a Soviet gangster who seemed to drop off the earth 20 years back. Back when my organization was still called the KGB, he was one of our primary targets."

"Gangster, you say?" you reply. "He was probably killed by a rival and his body disposed of where it would never be found. That's usually how people of that ilk meet their end."

"Good point," Tanya responds. "But we have circumstantial evidence that he escaped to New York City. But if he did, he's completely disappeared."

"Write down that name for me," you instruct. "I'll keep my ears open. Maybe one of my tenants knows something, or one of their friends. I'll let them know to tell me if they hear something. How can I contact you?"

Tanya hands over a business card. "My cell phone is always on. Thanks for your help."

You show her to the door. "Good luck."

Seeing Tanya reminds you that you haven't had any female companionship in a while. At 55 years old, you're not exactly a prime catch, but there must be some middle-aged ladies looking for a man out there...

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