In the city park

From Create Your Own Story

Amy threw her hands in front of her in a last ditch attempt to defend herself from the non-lethal ray, yet it got to her anyways. Amy looked around, realizing she was still alive, smiling at first. But a cold breeze made her bare body shiver. She looked down seeing her completely bare body from head to toe! Her gloves, dress, hammer, socks, everything was gone! She squealed in embarrassment covering herself with her arms looking around in a panicked manner, hoping nobody is staring at her. She tried looking for a place to cover herself, but couldn't find anywhere to hide.

"What kind of park doesn't have bushes or trash cans or...something?!" Amy thought in her mind.

Amy looked back at the robot to see it was taking pictures of her! In her panicked state, she couldn't do much more than stand there, fidgeting around with her arms, legs and feet trying to protect her modesty. It was quite a sight for nearby passers, as they would have seen a young hedgehog girl "dancing" around trying to cover herself from a robot. She had a deep blush on her face, and she was smiling nervously, all while she was uttering nonsense to the robot.

"C-c'mon, please stop this! Where are my clothes?! D-don't take those! Stop! Please! Someone help! Quit looking at me, I'm stark naked! Help me!"

She runs off, streaking through the whole city!

She tries to play it safe, and finds the will to move to a point of cover

She still can't move, she's too embarrassed!

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