Humiliate Max yourself

From Create Your Own Story

You turn Daniel into your puppet and take control of your new body. Instantly you lunge at Max and lift him up off the bench. You've given this body superhuman strength so Max couldn't resist. "Woah Dan, steady there." Mark said, a little shocked at his friend's actions.

Then you did the unexpected. With one swift motion you tore Max's boxers off so he was standing there completely naked. "Ewww gross!" Mark shouted.

You pin Max's arms behind his back with one hand and get out your cock with the other. "What are you doing?" Max cried. You bend Max over and push your dick in and out of Max's asshole. Max's eyes bulged as he felt a dick penetrate him for the first time. Mark stood there in horror. You see that he thinks his friend has gone way too far but you disagree. You go harder and faster, almost making Max cry.

You finish inside his ass and then push the defeated Max onto the floor.

Do you:

Release Daniel

Make them all gay

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