High Voltage/Drive

From Create Your Own Story

I wasn't the type of guy who got excited about car stuff, but driving a BMW had some sort of sexy allure. Even if it wasn't the best car in the world, it was a status symbol. I had never cared about those type of status symbols before, but now that it was presented in front of me, I was going to take it. I spotted the silver BMW in the parking lot, unlocked it, and stepped in.

The seat fit me like a glove. That shouldn't have been a surprise since Lauren had likely adjusted the seats before, but it was a different feeling to sit in the car and not have my head brush the roof. The car sprang to life as I stepped on the gas pedal. I lowered the driver side window and stuck my arm out. The autumn air was cool, and when driving fast it felt pretty cold, but I felt free. Earlier in the day I had viewed this body like a prison, thinking I was trapped in it. That could very well be true, I may be stuck as this girl forever, but this girl was not trapped. She could drive and she was free. There was a park near the lake that would be pretty at night. I turned on to the freeway and drove towards it.

My hair swirled in the wind from the window and I smiled. When I arrived at the park, it was just starting to get dark and sat down on a bench near the lake. Since it was getting late, most of the joggers had left and there were few people in the park. I admired the lake for a little while, but after five minutes I began to get a little cold. I crossed my legs and folded my arms to try to retain my heat. The men all stared as they walked by. Was I always this obvious when I looked at a girl?

Eventually the cold became too much and I walked back to the car. I felt like someone was following me, but I was afraid to look back. Was it one of the men from the path? I walked briskly to the car and quickly entered. I turned up the heat and began to drive. After about 40 minutes, I was on my street.

Should I:

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