High Voltage/Dinner3

From Create Your Own Story

As Elianna waited for my response, I began to grow nervous. Yes, I was growing more accustomed to this body. And yes, what occurred in the shower was earth-shatteringly awesome. My lips curled into a slight smile thinking about it. But I wasn't sure if I was ready to dive into this pool of estrogen yet.

"On second thought," I said with a frown. "I think I'm going to stay in tonight."

"Really?!" Sarah asked, her pitch rising as she spoke.

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better." I moved my hand to my head, "But I'm just not sure if I want to go out again today."

Hannah mimed putting on a pair of glasses and holding a clipboard. The walked up to me an put her hand on my head. "I've examined all the options, and I'm afraid the diagnosis isn't good."

Elianna tried to stop herself from laughing, "And why is that?"

"This young lady is suffering from an alcohol deficiency," Hannah stated in a deeper voice. "I'm afraid that if we do not get her full of fluids immediately, she may perish."

"I'm not really sure if booze is the answer," I mumbled. "That is how I got electrocuted in the first place."

"Doctor's orders," Hannah said as they ushered me outside.

I guess I'm jumping feet first into the estrogen pool. I followed the girls out to the car, and a short drive later we were at Harvey's Tavern. It was not the nicest college bar in town, but as I said before, they never checked IDs. As we walked in the door the chalkboard was advertising $3 lemondrop martinis. We all sat down and let the cheap alcohol began to flow. We were all finished with our first drink by the time our waiter took our order. I grumbled when the other girls ordered salads. I knew I would have to follow suit. Thankfully, I found one that had steak on top. It was a compromise, and it would have to do.

After the second drink, the girls all started talking about their relationships. Sarah was really disappointed that her boyfriend wouldn't eat her out even through she gave him oral all the time. Elianna was seeing some guy she met at a party the week before. He was boring as hell, but she said he was great in bed. She was planning on seeing him a few more times before calling it off. We all had a third drink and Hannah told us no man has topped some lesbian fling she had a few years ago in the summer before college. And then everyone was staring at me.

"How are things with Shawn," Sarah asked.

"How aren't things with Shawn?" I replied. I hadn't really done my homework on him. I saw his profile picture and I knew his name. That's about it. I knew nothing about their relationship. "Things are great," I said, hoping to quickly kill the conversation. I motion for another drink.

"Did you end up catching him?" Elianna asked. I stared blankly at her for a moment. Elianna looked at me for answers and didn't find any in my face. "Do you not remember?"

"Maybe she is still in shock, El," Hannah said. "Don't you remember. You said you had suspicions he was cheating on you."

I took another lemony sip. "I didn't find anything." The girls all seemed to deflate, as if they wanted the drama. "That doesn't mean I'm going to stop though!" I said, raising my drink and their spirits. "If he is, I'll find out."

The conversation switched away from boys and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. My old body may have been able to handle four drinks, but this one could not. Elianna went with me. Apparently the buddy system is a real thing.

I pulled my jeans and panties down and sat on the toilet. Unfamiliar muscles moved to release a torrent of liquid from my body. I cradled my head in my hands to try to make it stop spinning. I would be fine, but I just needed some time. Unfortunately that time would not be quiet, as Elianna insisted on talking to me the whole time she adjusted her makeup in the mirror. After a few minutes, I wiped, flushed, and left the stall.

The rest of dinner went smoothly. Getting back to the suite involved Hannah falling down twice, me falling down once, and a bunch of drunk kisses on the cheek from Elianna who insisted we are all her best friends. As soon as we got back to the suite, I opened the fridge and gulped down a whole bottle of water. I grabbed my keys and headed out. "I'm going out to see Shawn," I said as I left. The girls nodded and went outside. I pressed the horn button on my keys to find the car, which happened to be a silver BMW. At this point I was pretty buzzed, but I don't think I was legally drunk. My old house was only twenty minutes away, and sure enough, twenty minutes later, I arrived.

Should I:

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