Hell yes! the way she moves she wants it just as much as I do.

From Create Your Own Story

I pull my fingers put of her hole and rests my dick at her rosebud. She gives out a mixed moan, she seem to have started to enjoy it to some degree. She looks back at me as I get into position grabbing both the sides of her hips.

"Are you ready to move on to the next step?" I ask her only to be polite.

"Mmmm actually master, I would like if we could use your fingers abit more." She says with sing-song voice and her puppy eyes looking back at me. Damn trying to guilt trip me for what she know is comming. I must come up with a reason we can´t.

"I know that ahsoka, but we don´t have that much time there are other things to fix before our departure. Plus if we stay here to long chances are that someone might come by and then what? We must keep this mission a secret from everyone."

The look on her face changes, it is hard to read. Did she buy it? It is hard to tell, she does not really have much a choise, I got my anwser. She roles her eyes and says with a sassy tone "Fine, I think I can handle it, even if it would be nice to get more than five minutes of warm up." She glares back at me, as to tell me she sees throught my bullshit.

FUCK, should I...


Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Clone Wars

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