Hailey the Whore/You live with just your dad

From Create Your Own Story

Your parents divorced a few years ago, turns out your mom was physically abusing you and psychologically abusing your dad, and she was abusive to you as well. After finally putting his foot down your dad divorced your mom and to keep you safe was granted full custody. You've grown quite close to your dad, confused about your own identity you worry about your dad's loneliness. Living together with just your dad for the last few years has been fun, although since you've gone through puberty things have gotten a little awkward. Your dad means well but he is a guy and doesn't have any first hand expiernce with female issues.

It's a Saturday morning you're in bed wearing your standard sleep attire a long tshirt that goes down to your knees and a sensible pair of panties. You wake up with a horrible itch, in an excruciating amount of pain you manage to get to your dad's bedroom door " daddy something's wrong" you shout.

The door swings open your dad, who also just woke up, is still wearing his night pants and a tshirt, has a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong Hailey?" he asks with a tone of empathy in his voice.

"I don't know daddy I woke up and I itch all over, and it's starting to hurt really bad" tears are forming in your eyes

"Ok sweetie hang in there I'll call your doctor" your dad runs back inside his room retrieves his cell phone and comes back out to you. "Ok I'll get him on the line, we'll get you help" he says in a comforting tone as he rings your pediatrician.

What does the doc say:

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