HH: Tell her it's none of her business

From Create Your Own Story

You had tried to be nice to this woman, you felt bad for the freak. Obviously this stuff meant something to her based on how hard she had worked on her creepy fucking costume. But no she was gonna lecture YOU? You felt your face get hot and then a cruel calm settled in. You steeped right next to this freak and said "None of this stuff is fucking real, you dumb little bitch. Why do you care so much? Did you not get enough attention as a kid? Did daddy like to drink and touch your naughty parts?" You taunted, looking for a reaction but face was implacable. You carried on, "Whatever the reason, you won't talk to me like that again or I'll find the little black cat you know doubt have and talk all nine of its lives" You finished. You stepped back from her, several people had been looking on but your whispered taunts and threats could have only been hear by this dumb bitch.

The woman cracked a thin smile and said "Of course, my apologies. It won't happen again, sir." And with that she glided out of the room. Johnny came up to you after and said "What the fuck was that about?" Peter burst into laughter and you, he and Johnny began making fun of the woman in black. After a bit you began to feel a little lightheaded though and excused yourself to the bathroom. Locking the door behind you, you looked in the mirror and realized your vision was blurring. Feeling faint, you lowered yourself to the ground, closed your eyes and passed out.

You woke up slowly and staggered to your feet you looked in the mirror at your reflection and it took you a second to realize what was looking back at you. You were unrecognizable. Your skin was now a shade of deep red, your face more angular, your jawline was more pronounced, your slightly pointed and you just looked more handsome overall. You looked down at your outfit which had changed as well. Instead of the jacket and chinos you know wore a deep black tunic. It only covered between your knees and waist as well as half your chest but the skin that showed through was as red as your face and clearly muscled much more heavily than you normally were. You also could tell that you must have grown a foot at least.

You looked back in the mirror and rubbed your eyes, sure you were seeing things. When you opened your eyes and looked in the mirror again you jumped as you had seen a strange figure behind you.

You turned and saw the witch but this time she looked like a more beautiful, yet still haunting, version of herself. Her skin was so pale but shined like silver, her black gown and shalls were now wisps of silk floating about her as if blowing in the wind. It was both disturbing and mesmerizing.

"What the fuck!" You yelled, which made her smile.

"After years of persecution it is time this town reckons with what it has done to my kind. Mortals take All Hallows' Eve and defile it with pageantry and indulgence while my kind, witches, were burned and tortured because of fear. Well for tonight I have transformed them into the costumes they don so they may fear and kill one another." She said.

"As for you, in all my time I have never met a human of such untapped anger. I see a potential for true evil in you Quinn Hutchinson, and witch's blood. Tonight I raise you to what you were meant to be, a magical being like me. Revel this day and night well, my lord. For tomorrow morning my spell will lift."

And with that, she dropped to her knees in front of you and pulled from your tunic a cock easily twice the size of your normal one. She took it into her mouth and began blowing you with expertise. You leaned back against the sink as you enjoyed the witch's mouth slide up and down your demonic cock. Your large hand grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down on to yourself. You moaned in pleasure as the witch was now desperate trying to take all of your cock into her warm, soft mouth. Feeling your orgasm building you abandoned all pretense and now took both hands, placed them behind the witch's head and began face fucking her. The sounds of her gags and chokes just spurred you on more and you felt your orgasm build. After a few moments you felt your large balls constrict and your cock pulse as you shot rope after rope down the witch's throat. There was no question that she had swallowed it all.

After you felt satisfied, you leaned back again. You closed your eyes, savoring the pleasure you had just revived and closing your eyes in pleasure. When you opened them again, the witch was gone.

HH-D: End of Prologue

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