Grab a seat at the other side of the shop and try to avoid them and wait

From Create Your Own Story

You grab a seat at a small table in the corner of the coffee shop, next to the toilts .

You sit looking out the window looking at everyone passing by, checking to see if anyone could be the mysterious man you have arranged to meet. After a few minutes you see the store door open and a man with his head down looking at, his phone enters. From the far corner of the store you can make out he is tall with black hair, this could possibly be you Italian daddy hook up.

Just then your buzzes and a text flashes up ’I'm here! ’

It must be him you raise your head up to get a better view of the man. Just then he raises his face from the phone and your jaw drops you can't believe it you know him, its Stefano your boss from the pizza place.

Stefano- is in his 40s a deep tanned Italian man with thick black hair and a short dark beard. He is in okey shape, he has a rugby players build only with maybe a little more of a gut and is covered in body hair you can tell from his arms and chest hair that's always exposed when he wears a shirt with most of the top buttons were undone.

You can't believe this your sex hookup is your boss. Although you have thought about it before but what should you do. This is awkward for both of you.

He hasn't seen you yet so you have a split second to decide what to do.

run and hide in the toilet

stay and let him see you

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