Go with the new plan and make Vicky pay for every happy moment that Karla has

From Create Your Own Story

Your eyes narrow, your lips smirk, your entire face is twisted with wickedness as you ask Karla´s mother. “Vicky, just how much do you love your daughter?”

Vicky´s face falls. The realization that your evil influence might corrupt her daughter as well fills her with fear and terror.

“No, no you can’t!”

“She is my girlfriend.” You say firmly. “I have the right to claim her virginity if I wish, fuck her however I want. And as you know Vicky, I´m a dirty lover.”

“No please you can’t!” The mother throws herself at your feet. Last time she stood up for her daughter she tried to fight you, now all she can do is beg. “Karla is everything to me! She’s just a child so please just leave her alone!”

“She’s a grown woman Vicky. Not much younger than I am. Yet you are capable of saving her virginity.”

Vicky gets up from your feet; she kneels and puts her hands together, begging for your mercy. “I’ll do anything to save my daughter! Anything!”

"Oh I love it when you beg!" You laugh.

“Then I have a proposition. Each cock your daughter teases, each pussy she moistens, you’ll be right behind her servicing them all. In return I won’t pressure your daughter into doing anything sexual. I won’t take her virginity and I won’t tell her to hang around dangerous boys. She will however still be my girlfriend, so we will go out, party, and have a good time while you keep your mouth shut. I’ll just let her sexual progression go on at her own rate, never forcing her into anything. But remember, you will service everyone your daughter flirts with and still be my little anal slave, I’ll make sure of it!”

Vicky listens meekly to every word you say, her expression reveals a level of despair she’s never experienced before.

“So what will it be anal-slave?”

You already know the answer. Vicky stares at you, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the change about to happen in her life, anxiety pumping throughout her entire body.

“Why do you do this?” She asks, trying to find some sense in your torture.

“Because I am a sadist, because I am in control, because I am sexually adventurous, because I have the right to do as I wish with my property. Now answer me!”

Her head falls, eyes on the ground as she answers. “Yes… Mistress. I will accept.” Her voice filled with dread, forced to accept that which she can´t endure. She knows her life will turn to hell after accepting this. All she can do is hope that her precious daughter heads her upbringing, living by the modest rules her mother thought her.

You laugh at the kneeling mother, a rush of supreme confidence running though your veins.

“HAHAHA! Look your mistress in the eyes bitch I wish to see your pain.”

Two teary eyes look up at you and you spit her in the face.

“Pathetic anal-slave! Now I must go and drink vodka with your daughter.” You pick up a piece of paper and a pen from your pocket. “Meet me at this address tonight.”

Where does the address lead?

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