Go to the celeb's room

From Create Your Own Story

"Why not?" you tell the celebrity. "I've always wanted to meet you and as long as it's no trouble I wouldn't mind going to your suite".

"Oh, it's not trouble at all" he quickly replies as the elevator door opens. He grabs your hand again and you both exit the elevator. You are glad that you are with him as the hallway is crawling with armed guards - you count 2 by the elevator and at least 2 more on patrol with dark suits and the outline of submachine guns under their jackets. They are on alert but relax when they see the celebrity - likely star struck. There only appears to be a handful of doors on this floor and the celebrity pulls you around several corners to one of them and enters with you letting the door close behind you before finally releasing your hand to bolt it.

"Welcome to me casa" he says with a flourish as he finishes with the locking mechanisms. "How about a glass of champagne?"

"Sure thing" you reply as you examine the room. It is a large and elegant suite with all the trappings. A large bed sits through an open double doorway in front of a wall length window. You remember from your files that the balcony from the living room and bedroom extends around the hotel with only small decoratively fenced walls dividing the guest rooms on this floor - which you could easily traverse. This may be the stroke of fortune you need if you can just figure out how to handle the celebrity. He returns with 2 glasses of champagne in golden cups, sets them down, and turns away from you as he moves to operate a stereo. You could probably slip some of your sleeping pills into his drink without him noticing, or you could wait and see if there is another way.

What will you do?

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