Go north to Zona Norte

From Create Your Own Story

You slip into a dark, shadowed alley in Zona Norte. A woman who appears to be a prostitute is arguing with her client.

"Where's the rest of my money?" she snaps. "You didn't tell me you were into anal. That costs extra."

"Look, puta," the man growls. "You should be lucky I paid you at all. I can get bitches to fuck me for free any time I want. I only paid you because you look like my ex. She was the best. Too bad she got killed when those federales raided the complex."

"Money," the woman snarls. "Now."

The man gestures and a second man takes a sharp blade and with one slice, cuts the woman's head clean off. It rolls over and stops at your feet.

The men leave the alley, and you feast on the decapitated woman's very fresh brain.

Hang around Zona Norte for a while

Now that you're fed, go mingle with the tourists in central Tijuana

You are: A zombie
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