Go and save the fat elf from the bullies

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey!" you shout at the bullies as you get out of your seat and march up to them. "Leave the poor guy alone!"

They all look at you, and immediately grin with lust at you. "Well, well, lookie what we have here. Gods damn, if you aren't one fine piece of ass. Come looking for some action, babe? We'd be more than happy to oblige you."

The fact that these guys act more like orcs than elves kind of insults you, and you stand your ground. No one else is doing anything, and you can't help but feel sorry for the overweight elf, who's bleeding from the nose and has a black eye.

"I won't say it again, leave him alone." you demand firmly.

They all laugh. "Who, this thing? Look at it, a tub of lard doesn't belong in our fair city."

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, this city looks to be quite ugly, and I believe you're the ugliest of all."

"Why you bitch!" the leader of the bullies shouts as he attacks you.

But you narrowly manage to dodge him, and knee him the stomach hard. He gasps, and falls to the ground. Having seen their leader fall, the other bullies scatter, and the boss slowly limps away. What few onlookers there were, all disperse as if nothing had happened. Looks like you won't get in trouble for the ruckus, thankfully.

"You okay?" you ask the fat elf.

But he only looks away from you, and coldly says, "I didn't need your help."

"Sure you didn't." you tell him as you grab his arm and help him to his feet. "Now, tell me where you live and I'll take you home."

The fat elf seems to go out of his way to avoid looking at you, as if he believes he doesn't deserve to look at you.

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

silk dress

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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