Give yourself up and accept your fate, whatever it may be...

From Create Your Own Story

You hold up your hands and beg forgiveness from the furious people coming towards you. They accept your apology by way of beating you into the ground, but they carry you home out of regret for what they've done to you after they cool down.

You resume your boring life in the mountain village, and eventually you learn the trade of goatherding from your father and even succeed him. You sell goat milk and goat meat for whatever income you need, which is not much, as you have a steady source of nutrition. The village comes to reconcile with you, and you eventually marry a nice girl and lead a comfortable, but grey, life. You have children who you teach never to play in the caves, and eventually you grow old and pass your trade onto your sons.

You pass away with no real satisfaction from the life you've led, but no regrets, either. You were ultimately quite happy, but still bored even to your grave.

The End.

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