Give Katy a hug and kiss, dress, and take your leave for now

From Create Your Own Story

You pull Katy into a hug and give her a long kiss, which she returns. When you break for air, you direct a smile at everyone in the room, and say, "I'd best be getting home before my own folks get too worried." You direct your next remark at Katy. "Walk you to school tomorrow?"

Katy giggles. "Brandon, I'd love it."

You dress and slip your pack onto your shoulders. "I'm looking forward to it."

The next morning, you hold Katy's hand all the way to school. Before you make it halfway there, a group of giggling girls surround you and essentially escort you there. You find it a bit embarrassing to make small talk with Katy while flanked by a posse of girls, but you manage.

After school, you take Katy's hand in yours again and walk outside the gate. You're about to ask her what she wants to do when a figure comes racing up from behind the two of you. Before either of you can move, strong arms wrap around Katy and lift her into a giant hug. Katy turns her head and a huge smile breaks across her face. "Donna!"

"Katy! I've missed you so much!"

Her older sister puts Katy back down and you take the younger girl's hand, again, in your own. You direct your words to the older sister. "Donna...? Where were you?"

Donna turns her gaze to you. "A place worse than Hell. I'm so glad to be back. That awful man, Tyrone, was killed and I was able to be free again." Internally, you laugh -- you know all about Hell, and you can't think of a place worse than your home. But Brandon's face gives nothing away. "So you and Katy are together, Brandon? Well, I'll be happy to take you two somewhere to celebrate my being back. I'd love to just sit at a soda fountain again, but being back home would be nice."

The crowd of girls that was your posse has decided not to interfere with the sisters' reunion. They quickly scatter.

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