Give Isabelle a moment to rest

From Create Your Own Story

"I hate you." Isabelle quietly says, curling up into a ball.

"That's fine." you reply. "You'll learn to love me, just as my mother learned how to love my father."

"Never. I'll fight you till the day I die."

You look down at her, and run your hand along her hip, making her shudder. "Whatever you say. I look forward to it."

She looks at you over her shoulder and asks, "You look forward to more fights with me?"

With a smile, you nod. "Sure I do. Fighting you was the most fun I've had in years. Gave me some nice battle scars, and a nice workout. Plus, with you being the reward made it all the more special."

"Fuck you. Go crawl in a hole and die."

You take her shoulder and lean in close to her face. "Come on, admit it, it felt great. Didn't it? Remember how much you came?"

She shudders at your words. "Shut up... just shut up. I don't want to discuss my shameful behavior, least of all with you."

"But I bet you scream as much when you're with Miranda."

She spins around and slaps your face. "That is none of your business!"

You take her hand and kiss it. "But it is my business. You're my mate now, so everything about you is my business."

Isabelle rolls back over on her side, and into her protective ball. "I don't want her to know you. I'd rather you take me and me alone, than subjugate her to your lust."

"But you still love her, don't you?"

Tears fall down her face and she nods. "Of course I do. That's why I want her to stay as far from you as possible. She was raped by her own father when she was a child, and I can't put her through that again. I can't."

Health Horny, mated to Isabelle, several open wounds Equipment:


Experience low
HP 75
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