GSM/Follow the instructions for the 1st step

From Create Your Own Story

You find it a little weird to have to pee on your wife's pillow, even if it is just 2 drops, but any chance to have your wife be a little more willing is worthwhile. Your wife is not home, so you go into your bedroom. You put the paper somewhere where your wife won't find it and grab your wife's pillow. You remove the pillow case to better hide the evidence of what you are about to do. Then head into your bathroom.

Fortunately you need to piss, so it won't take long. You set your wife's pillow on the sink and let your dick free while you let a yellow stream loose. Just when you are close to finished, you pinch yourself off with one hand and hold your wife's pillow with the other. You slowly release your pinch and watch as 2 drops of your piss lands on her pillow. You set the pillow to the side and finish your business. You take the pillow back into your bedroom and put the pillow case back on to cover the 2 spots that are still a little wet. You place your wife's pillow back and wait to see what happens.

That night you are awakened by a noise coming from your wife. You glance over and can tell she is asleep. She lets out a soft moan and you know she is having a good dream. You hope it is of you. You think that it could be coincidence that she is having a sex dream the same night you left some pee on her pillow, but you doubt it.

Every day for a week you go through the same routine while your wife is out. Every day for a week you have put 2 drops of your piss on her pillow. If she were to take off her pillow case she would see the yellow stain that has started. Every night your wife moans from her dreams. The problem is your wife has not been more receptive to your advances. If anything, she is pulling away a little more than before.

You are tempted to give up with the whole thing and be satisfied with what you have. You also know that there is a chance that in another week your wife will be receptive to you.

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