GFTEA:Male Human Rogue

From Create Your Own Story

You root through the crate. Your few books are ruined, the goods you had smuggled utterly destroyed by the saltwater. Upset but unsurprised, you return your attention to the big prize of this discovery - your equipment. You strip out of the rags and don your armor; a sleeveless leather curiass, studded with a few metal nubs; a pair of rough jute pants and some thick boots that'd suit for wilderness treks and quiet sneaking. The dagger isn't much bigger than a foot, and is mostly useful for handywork. But the bow and arrow ought to be deadly enough to kill most anything that bleeds.

All this is well and good, but you still have no idea what your surroundings are like. You stop and finally look around you, taking in the landscape. The beach stretches for miles in either direction, and is sheltered by steep mountain walls that look difficult to climb (annoyingly enough, you spy smoke in that direction, too, several thin wisps that indicate a village or large camp beyond the inaccessible cliffs).

There appears to be a big opening in the rocks just a few minutes away. A large cave that merges with the ocean. You could probably enter it and hope for a tunnel that leads to the other side. Of course, a village this close to the ocean must have a pier or dock of some kind. You could try walking along the beach to try to find it. It would be safer, certainly. A third option occurs to you as you remember your bandages. Someone helped you. You could wait here to see if they return.

What do you do?

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