
From Create Your Own Story

Spying on your neighbors to the right and left will be a little more involved than just looking through a window. They're on the other side of a wall.

Instead, you need to be a bit more creative. You go online and find blueprints for the building you're in. You discover that the way this place is set up, most of the apartments are carbon copies of each other with the blueprint flipped. So, your bedroom is up against the bedroom of the apartment to your left, and your bathroom is up against the bathroom of the apartment to your right. With this, you could just drill a hole through the wall and peep that way, but...

There's also a crawlspace that goes above every apartment on this floor with an entrance in each bedroom closet.

Knowing all this gives you an idea.

You go out to an electronics store. It's mostly deserted by now, but there's still equipment left. You pick up a bunch of small surveillance cameras and the cables to run them. Then you stop by a hardware store and pick up an unpowered drill.

You bring them back and get to work setting them up. At first you had just planned to spy on your immediate neighbors, but with this you can spy on everyone on your floor. About 16 apartments total, not that all of them are interesting or even occupied. Only a few really catch your interest.

You quietly drill holes in the ceilings of the apartments in every room. Bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. The cameras all feed back to your laptop.

When you're done, you check the camera feeds to make sure they work. Who do you spy on?

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