Finish what you started. Beat him til he's good and dead.

From Create Your Own Story

You're screwed anyways, so you figure you might as well keep going. You pick up the bloodstained stapler and drop to your knees next to the unconscious man. After some hesitation, you tightly grasp the stapler with both hands and raise it over your head, shutting your eyes tightly, you begin smashing away at his head like a pinata. With each strike, you could feel warm, sticky liquid splashing unto your face.

"What on earth...!?" You turn around to see the source of the voice. Mr. Clark's receptionist, that Mrs. McCloud lookalike, stands at the doorway with a terrified expression. You suddenly realize that your target's face is now beaten beyond recognition, and you are almost entirely covered in his blood.

You drop the stapler to the ground and begin sobbing uncontrollably- You had killed the man. The police comes to arrest you. They were able to confirm that you killed him in self-defense, therefore your sentence was reduced from ten years in prison to two years at a correctional facility, where you're taught to "control your anger."

Well, it could have been worse. HE could have killed YOU.

The End

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