Fiction section

From Create Your Own Story

The shelves are filled with stuff posing as serious genre literature, but really only exists to let vampires and dinosaurs (what the fuck?) turn innocent wide-eyed young girls into their depraved playthings. Same old, same old.

Finally, you find something different - a shelf labeled "create your own adventures" filled with various colorful books with dragons and spacemen. First you think it's for children, but there's something about that phrase that makes you take a second look...

You pull out one book at random. This book features a barbarian young woman clad only in a loincloth, and her full perky naked breasts catch your attention. But what really draws you in is her proud stance and the easy way she holds the leash of a sabre-toothed tiger. Obviously this isn't child's play.

Do you?

Health Slightly Horny Location:

The Library

MP 0
Level 2
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