Faraj the Sailor

From Create Your Own Story

You rush down the streets, pushing past sailors and children alike in a hurry before finally reaching the harbor. After looking around for a moment, you spot an enormous Chebec-ship with red sails and the name "The Impaler" written across the bow. Several tough-looking men and women are already boarding it, and you join them only to be stopped by a hunchbacked orc on deck.

"Who you?" he sneers and gives you a rough push in the chest. "What you do here?".

You take a step back from him, then reply that you wish to join the expedition. He laughs in response:

"You think you mercenary? You no have weapons or armor, and your arms flabby and weak. You so weak you probably half-elf.".

A couple of nearby mercenaries must have overheard him saying that, because they look at you and snicker condescendingly. The orc then continues:

"Tell you what; You beat me in wrestle, and you get my place in the crew instead. Deal?".

Do you:

Health Dangerously Horny, mated to Bethilda Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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