Enjoy the moment and respect her boundaries.

From Create Your Own Story

You smile and stroke Heather's back as she rests against you. This is quite the moment. You just watched your own daughter grind herself to orgasm against you, without a shred of clothing removed. You've gotten so used to wham, bam, thank yous with Stacy, you'd forgotten how *erotic* things could be.

Finally, she puts her hands on your chest and pushes herself to look at you. "Mmm, *Daddy*," she smiles, and leans down to kiss you hard. "*Thank* you. That was soooo good."

"You looked so sexy, Heather," you say, hungrily biting her delicious lower lip again. You could get used to this.

"But Daddy...you didn't cum too..." she pats your chest, a pouty look on her face.

"Well, no...that's ok, sweetie. Maybe next time." You smile up at her, reaching behind her to squeeze her delightful little ass.

"No...no, not ok! I'm not like that. Can I, um..." She looks up in the air, biting her lip, a giddy excitement seeming to make her eyes gleam.

"Can I what, sweetie?"

"Can I help you?" She says, looking back down, drawing her hand down to stroke the painful bulge in your pants.

You nod, looking into her eyes, undoing the button on your pants for her. She smiles slyly, and presses her palm against the lump in your pants. She wants to tease you, you realize. This is *perfect.* A sixteen year old girl. Your daughter. Teasing *you.*

Gently, she gets up, and then tugs at your pants, bringing them down to your knees and she kneels down. She places both hands on your knees, and slides them up to your thighs. She smiles at you and giggles. This is all very new to her. Again, she places her palm against your cock through your underwear. "Mmm...Daddy got turned on, huh?"

"Yesss...I loved watching you cum, Heather..." you gasp.

She giggles again, and then puts her delicate fingers inside the waistband of your boxer briefs, and rolls them down, slowly. Slowly. As your moist cock appears, a smile grows on her face. Her fingers twitch. She giggles again. "Wow...daddy! I've never seen it like this! It's so..." She holds it in her hand carefully, inspecting it. "It's so *big!*"

You simply smile down at her.

"I mean...I've seen it before...and it looked huge, but...mm...never mind, Daddy," she says, biting her lip as she looks up into your eyes. Slowly, she starts to stroke it up at down. You press your head back against the headrest, and groan. "Like that, huh, Daddy?" She giggles again. "Um...so...what do I do?"

Guide her stroking.

Ask her to take you in her mouth.

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