Ellie tries her best to hold it in.

From Create Your Own Story

As Joel thrust his dick foward and impailed her butt. Her eyes immidatly shut, preventing the tears from rushing forward. She turned her face away from Joel as to not let him see her face of pain. Decpite her attempt of hidding her pain, her mouth open wide as she let out a cry, that she suppresed turning it into a gruesome whimpering.

She was so suprised of how painfull it was. So far it had been going so good and then, boom! The worst pain she had ever felt. He must have been atleast the same size as the guys in the magazine she thought. Cause it felt like he had shoved up a fucking burning log up her ass.

Joel on the otherhand felt a stricking bliss as Ellies tight ass crushed down on his dick. This was better than he imagined it would be. She was so tight, so good like an angel that came down from heaven to relieve him of all his stress and pain. He looked down on her nice round buttcheeks and saw how his dick split them in half and her asshole streched around his tool. It was an amazing sight to behold, it looked almost unreal as she was so small in comparison to him.

As Joel stopped and admired her assets, Ellie got a much needed pause. She managed to look back over her shoulder only to se his smiling grin. She had never seen him like this before, he really needed this. But was ofcourse to afraid to ashamed to ask for it himself. Seeing him this happy gave her streignt to keep going. Even if it hurt as fuck, she knew she could do it if she only wanted to. Plus some of the worst pain had already worn of, so how bad could the rest really be.

Joel now pulled his gaze a way to look at Ellies face. She was tear eyed but with a smile on. He was conflicted about it. It was obvious hit hurt, but she was still happy about this. Ellie could se how his smile faded away and a look of worry set in. She decided to reasure him everything was alright.

"It is okay Joel, the worst were right after to pushed inside. As long as you take it slow with me I will be able to handle it. So please Joel contunue to fuck my butt."

Joel was so impressed by her dedication "Wow Ellie you are truely amazing. Not only have you managed to take my dick up your butt, but you keeping cool during it. That is damn impressive, I am sertain I would not be as calm as you in your position."

This made Ellie giggle and blush some "Hihihi Joel thanks, I do admit it is not easy, I guess girls are just better at handeling dick than guys are. Plus seeing you this happy, makes it all worth it for me. So please just enjoy yourself Joel this is for you, for all you done for me and will do for me.

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