Drive your car and take Oliver with you

From Create Your Own Story

You drive the car and Oliver sits in the passenger seat with the pizza on his lap as you drive to your destination, it’s not too far away and you two have some small talk On the way there , nothing special just the standard stuff where he goes to school and hobbies and things.

You get to the address and tell Oliver to go to the door. you give him a money bag so he a has change for the customer if need be and tell him to remember and be polite to the customer if he wants to make tips . You watch from the car as he knocks on the door and gives the with the woman that answers the pizza. After a few minutes he returns to to car and just as he opens the car door he drops the money bag. Coins roll everywhere some falling on the front seat and some on the road

“ oh shit sorry , sorry sorry “ Oliver says timidly as he begins to pick up the coins that are on the road

“ accidents happen . It’s ok” you tell him as you lean over to get the change that has landed on the passengers seat.

That’s when you see it , with Oliver bent over picking up some loose change on the group you see he is wearing pink thong. He gets back in the car and takes his seat again and you drive back to the pizza place

Do you:

ask him about his underwear

continue to make small talk on the ride back

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