Dress and walk Sister Kristin back to the church
From Create Your Own Story
"Given that you went through such a hideous trauma earlier, I think God will forgive you for your actions," you tell Kristin as you two get dressed.
"Come back when you've done your good deed, neighbor," Debbie says to you. "Once wasn't enough. I need more of your dick."
She turns to Sister Kristin. "You tasted delicious," Debbie informs her. "If you want an encore performance, my door is always open."
"Um... thanks, I think," Kristin replies. You escort her out the door, kissing Debbie good-bye for the moment.
When you reach the church, it looks like something out of a horror movie. The police have finished their work, but bullet holes and the remains of bloodstains are everywhere.
"I..." Kristin gasps, unable to comprehend the carnage. "I..."
"Come, Sister," you say. "This will get better with time." Kristin takes your hand and you proceed to the administrative center. Michael Cardinal Roberts himself is standing there. You and Sister Kristin both bow.
"Our last missing nun," the Cardinal says. "Welcome back. I am glad indeed that you escaped unharmed, Sister."
Kristin, unable to speak, just nods. "And you, sir, provided her shelter?" the Cardinal asks.
"Yes, Cardinal," you reply.
"Come," the Cardinal says. He escorts you two to Sister Kristin's quarters. "Rest here, Sister," the Cardinal commands. "In this time of tragedy, out of this we will rebuild. Out of despair we will bring forth hope. Out of Satan's mischief we will show the power of God!"
The Cardinal departs, leaving you alone with Kristin. She lies down on her bed. "Please hold me," she says. "I'm... afraid."
You lie down next to her and hold her against you.
Status | ||
Health | Horny | Location: |
MP | 0 | |
Level | 1 |