Draw the concealed Uzi you have in your pocket, deactivate the safety and greet them with a hail of bullets

From Create Your Own Story

You take your Uzi out of your pocket, check to make sure it has a full clip and a round in the chamber, and turn the safety off. You step around the corner, preparing to greet these assholes with what they deserve.

It takes you a second to locate the pair of them. By the time you find them and start raising your gun, the man has drawn his own weapon. Before you can get a shot off, his bullet finds your hand and you drop your gun. His second shot, half a second later, goes directly into your no-reflex zone.

You hastily shift your spirit out of the already-dead Tyrone as his body falls to the ground. There are 3 people nearby you could possess: the man who just killed Tyrone, his female partner, and a black woman who just happens to be walking past the scene. The black woman is about 5 feet tall and shaped like a bowling ball with limbs, but she has a nice set of fun bags and is wearing a low-cut, skintight white dress that stops at mid-thigh and no bra.

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