Do what you are told and go forward

From Create Your Own Story

While Natasha leads you to the front, the other girls have been busy and a nine pointed start has already been drawn on the floor in red paint.

Wait, you think to yourself, "That is not red paint, and where is Mr Syde?" Luckily Natasha does not put you into the middle, but herself, and they all chant louder and faster.

Before you have time to wonder what might happen, there are arcs of electricity flashing around the girls. As soon as it starts, the lights and electronics in the room go dark, and the whole shuttered room is lit entirely by the blue flashes.

You see sexy contorted poses for brief moments, as the witches dance in the light show. The sexy nine continue chanting, and you actually start to see the flashes of electricity forming from the sounds they are making. Then the girls start stripping off their clothes, Natasha doing so first, quite quickly but not in a hurry.

Then the chanting changes and the electricty in the air points toward Natasha in the centre of the star.

Now at the head of the star, Katharine is pointing towards the underworld with both index fingers. Becky and Sue are either side of her, and they both grab one of her breasts, and start fingering themselves with their free hand.

As the circle closes, one by one, the electricty intensifies. You can see it rising through Katharine, and then surging past the nipples and clits of the other girls around the circle.

Nina is the final one, at the base of the star, and she grabs a breast in each hand and then shoves her cunt forward towards Natasha's eager face.

A huge suge of lightning is building as Natasha crawls forward on her knees about to take a lick of Nina's electric cunt juices.

Do you...

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