Do nothing. Wait to see what Jessie does.

From Create Your Own Story

Jessie glances up from her game a few times. You try not to let her catch you staring at her crotch but since that's all you want to do she can't not notice.

You're startled as she removes her foot from under your hand. She stands up and turns around, bending over in front of you. The bottom of her tight little ass is presented to you briefly as she backs up toward your legs, pulling her chair closer.

Spinning around again she sits on the edge of the chair shyly before shoving her Nintendo thing at your face.

"What do you think daddy?"

You have to blink a few times before you can refocus your attention. She's playing some sort of horse-related game and has dressed up a pony with all sorts of colorful stickers, streamers, harnesses and all topped off with a bright pink saddle.

You smile back at her. "I think you're amazing."

You swallow hard. That came out a little weird, but she seems happy. She goes back to staring at her game, swaying back and forth on the edge of the chair.

You scan her legs but there's no more show to be had. You slump back into your seat and sigh once again. It's bad enough you have one daughter, but to deal with two like this...

Looking blankly at the TV you're startled again when you feel a small butt slide into your lap.

"Hi!" Jessie says with a coy smile.

You smile in response and she wiggles her bare butt in your lap. It's then you realize that you're harder than you thought, and she's sitting right on top of it.

Jessie is sitting sideways in your lap, her legs stretching out onto the rest of the couch. Regrettably worn fabric separates her naked pussy from your clothed and restrained cock. She is bouncing and twisting in your lap while coloring her pony. She's either entirely unaware of this or very very aware.

You place a hand on her shin and rub slowly up and down her leg. Her skin is silky smooth and flawless. Your hand wanders up her thigh but stops just over halfway before you slide back down. You still can't see anything from this position but just the thought is driving you crazy. You can feel your heart beating faster.

"Put your feet up!"

Jessie pulls on your pant leg and you quickly follow her order, swinging your feet up onto the chair now positioned in front of you. With your legs horizontal and stable Jessie looks up at you and grins.

In one move she tucks her legs into her body and spins around on your dick. After a short 90 degree turn she leans backward, laying down on your legs. She throws her legs on either side of you, her feet resting on the back cushion. The bottom edge of the dress has risen to her waist. Her ass now rests at the bottom of your zipper with her sweet little slit pointing up at you from under her.

If this is all unintentional she's going to get herself raped one day.

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