Disaster in Space/Wild Planet

From Create Your Own Story

A quick look at your charts, and you steer a course for the Frontera System and engage at maximum shift. You're not familiar with this system, but you've heard it's a pretty interesting place. For a few years now the Frontera Corporation have been busy terraforming the fourth planet, which has a large iron core and a thick crust of silicon and magnesium. It has abundant surface water, and it orbits a G-type main sequence star at a distance of around 500 light-seconds. Needless to say, this is pretty damned close to Earth, the human homeworld. Frontera Corp. is working to make it even closer, enriching the nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and introducing various hardy Earth species like moss, lichens, grasses, fir trees, and herds of deer and bison. The star is a bit dimmer than the sun, and the atmosphere a bit thicker, which means the planet is quite cold and windy. To you it sounds a bit like Canada or Alaska, and you decide to take a little trek on the planet if they'll let you.

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