Destiny:SE - Male Awoken Hunter x Petra Futa1

From Create Your Own Story

Petra smirks at the answer. She leans up against you, slightly rubbing her crotch against yours as she kisses your neck and nibbles on your earlobe saying:

"Now why don'y you get on your knees?"

Wait. Weren't you in charge here?

Mid-Thinking this, you get thrust down onto your knees, as Petra reveals her throbbing cock, alongside a pair of fine blue balls.

She gently caresses your face as she thrusts her fem-cock into your mouth, her size being around the same size you assume your own member to be. Her thrusts continue, her two balls slapping off your chin as saliva begins to force a slurping sound from your mouth, before she full thrusts herself into you, forcing you to deepthroat her cock as her scent envelops your lungs.

After what seems like an eternity, she releases your head, allowing you to breathe as she laughs at the sight.

"Now i assume you know where this is going?" She remarks.

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