Decide to take him a club tonight

From Create Your Own Story

Even though you're happy with the way you're fucking Brandon now, you think taking him to a club would be even more fun. The only problem would be how to sneak him in. After contemplating it for a few days and discussing it with Brandon, the two of you come up with a plan that should work.

The night finally comes, and you can tell Brandon's excited by the extra enthusiasm he shows during sex that day. Once the time is ready, you grab a big duffel bag and Brandon climbs in. You zip it up and drive to the club, a renowned place called Love Lumps. Not the best name, but you know from experience how hot it can get inside.

You tell the bouncer that the bag is full of special toys, and he smiles and allows you in. You bring your bag into an empty bathroom and let Brandon out. He climbs out and plants a passionate kiss on your lips.

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Health Horny Location:

Love Lumps

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Level 1
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