Day 6 at the House of Horrors (Christina was flogged, you were thrashed and you tried to escape)

From Create Your Own Story

Headmistress Ward, Ashley and Michelle come in.

"I heard you tried to escape last night" the headmistress says.

"No, I was here" you tell her.

"Sandra checked here and you were gone. And Ashley and Michelle both said you returned to your dorm, seeking your clothes. You most likely returned here when you saw Jessica's body"

"Jessica's body?" asks Michelle.

"I'm afraid her body was found by Sandra night last with her jaw missing. It seems these girls we thought escaped were in fact murdered. But Elizabeth Simmons still needs to be punished and Charlotte tells me that Ashley is good with the cane. I want to see her skills in action"

Ward hands her cane to Ashley. Ashley instantly whacks you on your tender bottom, making you cry out.

"On her thighs" says Ward, not wanting your bottom to take any more damage.

Ashley moves to your thighs. She gives you ten hard whacks before Ward tells her to stop. You are sobbing in pain. Ashley gives the cane back to Ward.

"This isn't over" says Ward, "on Monday, you will be whipped. And from now on you will attend classes naked"

Ward, Ashley and Michelle leave the room. You return to your dorm room naked. Michelle slaps your bruised bottom before you check it out in the mirror. Your bottom and thighs have some nasty welts. You see Michelle and Ashley get dressed in your casual clothes for the weekend. You go to Jamie's room.

"Hi, can I have my clothes" you ask, "my uniform is gone and I don't want to go round town naked"

Jamie gives you your clothes and you get dressed. Not wanting to go with your dorm mates, you decide to go out with Jamie but you have a therapy after so you can't spend too long with him.

You leave the school and eat in town with Jamie before you arrive at Dr. Stormare's office. Jamie decides to wait outside.

During the session, you mention to Dr. Stormare that you woke in in the middle of the night that Jessica disappeared and noticed she was gone from her room. You admit you don't know what possessed you to just go back to sleep instead of trying to find her.

"I don't know where the urge to do that came from?" you tell him.

Stormare tells you that Flagel is actually a great opportunity despite the abuses as it can get your grades up. The conversation moves to the topic of your mother.

"I believe that the beatings may be reminding you of your mother" Stormare suggests, "I know we're already talked about it but sometimes it helps to go through it again. Maybe we can find out some new information"

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