D&D: You take care of the kobolds erection before moving on

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to further take care of this kobold. You smile and tap a barrel sitting nearby:"Nagul, come here. Your Goddess wishes to reward you. " You realize you are really horny and if you are going down this path, you may as well get yourself ready for anything. He looks up at you questioningly but he doesn't protest. He climbs up the barrel and sits down on the edge covering his loincloth tented erection. You quickly pull off his loin cloth with one hand and take hold of the reptilian member with the other one. You hear your victim shriek lightly in fear. "Calm down, I won't hurt you... " You smile and your hand start caressing the surprisingly long length. It's very different from a humans it's scaly and hard on the sides but the heads look just as sensitive as a humans. You smile as you lightly jerk him off lightly with one hand and palm the top with the other.

"Tell me Nagul... did I gift you all with such... huge cocks?" you speak as you start to get horny at the thought of that huge member stretching your insides wide. He looks up at you with confusion and you sigh a little. You'll find out soon enough. You lean in slowly and start breathing warmly on it. You take your time torturing your helpless subject before wrapping your lips around the tip. He suddenly twitches and you have to pull off. "AAah don't eat it!". You wave at him impatiently:" I not going to eat it idiot, now stop squirming." You sigh impatiently as Nagul calms down. Your lips return to the tip and you can finally press your tongue against it, tasting it gently. You decide it's not so bad. Some sticky substance is sticking to the sides and you thought it would be gross but it taste fruity. You feel yourself getting hornier as you start sucking on it rapidly. You don't hear anymore complaints from Nagul. He's joyfully letting you blow him, his head falling back with a blissed-out expression on his face. You close your eyes and lick more of what feels like the pre-cum of these horney creatures. If this is it, you really want to know what their cum tastes like. You move your head up and down the long and hard shaft, dragging your tongue all over it. Your mouth starts to emit a sucking noise that echoes lightly in the tunnel. You move your hand down your robes and slide it across your pussy. You just remember that you took your panties off earlier... The thought makes you even more horny.

D&D: Let Nagul cum on your face

D&D: Let Nagul cum in your mouth

D&D: Give Nagul a titjob

D&D: Lie on your back and have Nagul fuck your pussy

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