D&D: You stumble in the darkness ahead and they eventually catch up

From Create Your Own Story

You start to get away, moving as fast as you can in the darkness, with the rod still in your pussy. While you stumble in the darkness, you hear the voices of the men behind you, calling at you "where are you going little kitten, we still haven't played!".

You lose your way after taking some turns, not able to see where you are going, and as you reach a dark room, you walk along the wall and find out that there are no exits. You think you might have lost them, so you decide to wait silently. You fill aroused from all the groping and fondling, and from the sensations caused by the rod in your pussy.

Suddenly you notice a light emerging from the entrance to the room. You hope that they will pass by the room without entering, but it must not be your lucky day, as several seconds later the three men enter the room.

"Well, who it is if not our little kitten?" one of the men says.

"Why did you remove those bracelets slut? We liked you better with your hands behind you back" says another and his friends laugh.

Do you:

D&D: Try to negotiate with them

D&D: Attack them with magic

D&D: Take out the rod from your pussy and use it

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