D&D: You pass out

From Create Your Own Story

You black out and lose track of time. A few moments of consciousness reminds you that you've gotten used by more men then you thought you'd fuck in a lifetime. When you finaly come through, you don't know how many hours you've been abused. Your body feels sore and sticky and your insides feels wet and full. You can feel yourself dripping with cum and some of it continuously ooze out of your abused pussy and asshole. You take a look around and notice that the only person man left is sound asleep. Thinking this might be your only chance you start to mumble some low incantation. You manage to wiggle your fingers through your bonds well enough to cast a simple telekeninetic spell. The ropes slowly loosen up and your knees touch the ground. You can finaly move around normaly. You quickly unlock your cuffs and pull your dress over your breasts. You stumble your way out of the backalley and take as much distance as you can from the thieve's guild hall. You stop at a well to clean up, using your magic to speed things and drink your due. The water's coolness feels so refreshing after all those loads of warm man-cum. You take the night off at a inn and resume your quest the next day, determined to forget this unfortunate event.

On the next day, you make your way back to the merchant's district and avoid encountering any member of the thieve's guild. After a few turns, you finaly reach the merchants district. You stop by a nearby well to grab some clean water and wash yourself before moving towards the location of the abandoned sewer entrance. You move towards the gnomish tinkering shop while you hear several strange noise from within the building. You've never seen a tinkering shop before. You take a look around and see the alley that leads behind the shop and most at the entrance to the sewer.

D&D: You are curious about the noise and enter the tinkering shop

D&D: You walk into the alley and enter the sewer

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