D&D: You feel groping hands, and struggle to remain silent

From Create Your Own Story

You are standing there naked at the corner of a hallway with your head looking around the corner to see what the three men are going to do and you are startled by a pair of hands on your ass giving it a nice squeeze yet, at this point, the guys have not seen you yet. You quickly turn around and put your back to the wall but partially because you were just staring at a light and the fact that it's dark you can not see anything at all, then you feel a pair of hands on your breasts. You don't dare say anything to get whoever it is to stop, or the three men will hear you and then you'll be in real trouble. You reach down and remove the hands from your breasts only to have them come back seconds later. You peek your head back around the corner and the three men are still standing there talking among themselves.

Probably because you are still a little tipsy from the wine you had earlier and the groping hands you start to feel the slight humming that the rod is producing and it's starting to drive you wild. Several times you have fought back a moan that may give away your position. You reach down and grab the hands on your breasts and push them away once again, you continue to fend off the hands that are groping you. And then you are surprised as the hands stop suddenly, you hold an arm over your breasts and one hand near your ass almost as a warning, then as you are watching the men in the intersection you feel a breath near your ass and barely hear a single word spoken. You think that couldn't possibly be.... as your hands are quickly and magically dragged behind your back by the magical bracelets you are wearing to click in place at the small of your back.

Your unseen assailant once again begins to feel your defenseless boobs now that you are bound with your hands behind your back, you could speak the release command word but you can't speak it without the men hearing you. The best you can do in your current position is wiggle your shoulders and try and break his grip on your breasts which most likely won't happen. Of course the constant groping combined with the wine and that vibrating rod is driving you to an orgasm, and if you cum you know the guys will hear you. As soon as they go away you are going to kill this creep you think to yourself.

What happens next:

D&D: Your position is revealed somewhat expectantly

D&D: The men go back and you can deal with your groper

D&D: It is all too much and you let out a loud scream of pleasure

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