D&D: Test the wand on the zombies and see what happens

From Create Your Own Story

The imp looks at you as you are about to grasp the wand "I suggest you put something on to cover those jugs you have there or that's the first place the wand will focus on"

You glance at the imp "you'd like that wouldn't you, maybe that's the first order of business that I should tend to" you turn your back to the imp and put on that way too small shirt squeezing your huge boobs into that tiny shirt. You made up your mind and at least are going to get some clothes that will fit you out of this.

You grasp the wand and pointing it at yourself you think of comfortable clothing and speak the universal command word for change, an odd but pleasant feeling overcomes you, like several tiny hands are caressing your body and after a moment you are now dressed in a white bodice that barely covers your boobs and a short skirt. The only impractical thing you are now wearing are sandals though they do lace up to your knee. You would have asked for undergarments too but remembering that it was a perverse wizard that's all you would have been wearing most likely.

The imp looks at you and whistles "nice outfit babe but what are you going to do about them?" and he points to the two zombies that have entered the tiny room one of them takes a swipe at you and you instinctively jump back, his hand catching the top of your bodice and the downward motion causing your boobs to bounce out of your top.

You point the wand at them and cause a brilliant spray of dazzling light to strike both of them and they crumble to dust. You stare at the wand "yes, this will do nicely" the imp stares at your exposed breasts and says the exact same thing.

"Wherever you go with that wand, I'm going to follow" the imp says with a mischievous grin "by the way, you may want to put those away, the wand may get the wrong idea about you" and he points at your exposed breasts, you look down and raise your hands up and feel a magical force of will preventing you from covering them.

After a minute or so you are able to tuck them back into your bodice, you get the feeling that you can live with such childish pranks being the price for your new found magic. You also get the feeling that letting the wand alter your clothing satisfied the wand a lot and you may have less consequences for using the wands power.

As you leave the secret room with the pedestal and enter the larger room, you immediately notice danger in two different forms, four zombies have entered from the passageway you were going to go and on the other side of the room the two bandits have returned. You'd love to let the zombies deal with the bandits but you are in between the two groups and the zombies are after you too.

Mister crossbow speaks "well, well, well if it's isn't sweet tits and she's found a new outfit to wear, I liked it better when you were naked" he grins. You spin around causing your skirt to flare up and blast a zombie with your wand. The two bandits advance crossbow bolt to the head and sword to the gut and one more zombie falls.

The remaining two you blast with a spray of dazzling light and they turn to dust. You whirl and point your wand at mister crossbow and he had his crossbow pointed at you. Neither of you can miss at this range.

"well looks like we have a stand off, tell ya what, I'll be generous with you let me see those tits of yours and I'll let you go on your way" you give him look of disgust "as if I'd just surrender to you like that willingly" but even as you speak the words your eyes glaze over and your hands reach up and pull your boobs out of your bodice.

The last thing you remember was the standoff, apparently you zoned out for a minute because you realize that steady motion you are feeling is you being fucked from behind. You are facing the wall of skeletal hands with our hands on the wall being held in place while a pair of hands are also groping your exposed breasts. The second bandit pulls out and cums all over your backside.

"we've decided to leave your belongings this time since you cooperated with us and gave us such a good time" as mister crossbow rolls out the metal gong they had been trying to take in the first place. "Besides, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have been able to remove all the guardians, ta ta" he slaps your ass on the way out.

You realize that the same magic you used to remove yourself from the wall last time isn't working. And after a few minutes the imp appears "looks like you are having some fun there" he chuckles. You raise your voice in anger "where have you been?" he laughs "I've been here watching the whole time, you really are a slut aren't you?"

After a few minutes you are able to get your hands free from the wall and it's even easier to get the ones off your boobs. After re-arranging your clothing you get the sense from the wand that it's very sated and you have control for the time being without any punishment afterwards, almost as if you have overpaid for it's services.

Do you:

D&D: Put the wand back

D&D: Continue exploring

D&D: Follow the bandits

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